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Mindfulness is extremely straightforward. Simply put, it is the practice of being fully present, fully aware, and fully able to engage with one’s current situation or environment. Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.”

Ever heard the phrase.
‘Be here now’ concerning mindfulness and meditation?

That’s because encouraging our minds to ‘be here, right now’ is essentially what mindfulness promotes. LETTING GO of previous experiences and feelings is vital if we truly live in the now and glean maximum potential from our current situation.


Some benefits of practicing daily mindfulness include improved cognitive function, better emotional control, and stress reduction. In fact, research shows that just 10 minutes a day can significantly improve your health and wellness outcomes.

Mindfulness calls our attention back into the NOW, while anxiety symptoms include preoccupation with potential future events or past occurrences. It makes sense that mindfulness works. But mindfulness is not something that can be achieved once and then will be available for good.

Self-awareness and self-observation are vital skills in which people who regularly meditate have been proven to have higher levels. These are tools that help us become less reactive and more mindful of ourselves. From cognitive to behavioral improvements to concentration and productivity levels increased, there can be no denying that this practice is a wonderful way to change the way you think!

man outdoors meditating

Photo by Spencer Selover

Ways to add Mindfulness

An effortless way to incorporate mindfulness into your everyday life is simply to Slow. Things. Down.
 – Slow down eating your meals and really take the time to taste the food.
– Slow down your walk to work/college and take the time to notice your surroundings.
– Slow down your quick responses to interactions.

Whatever you’re doing, and wherever you’re going, challenge yourself to observe one new thing every day, and you’ll be amazed at how much calmer you feel. When we slow down, we automatically become more mindful, and our attention gets
more focused on the task at hand. This optimizes not only the levels of productivity but also enjoyment levels!

There are several methods which are effective in helping us to slow down and boost mindfulness, some of which include:
– Breath control
– Getting sufficient sleep
– Minimizing distractions

If you’re still a little bit unsure where to start with your personal mindfulness and meditation journey, I’d recommend simply trying out some basic guided meditations. Start small – 5 or 10 minutes a day, and then gradually start to increase it. Make up your mind to stay put for that long and notice the fluctuations from day to day in your breathing, attention, and energy.


Harvard Review on Mindfulness: Positive aspects of mindfulness
Useful tips on letting go: Power of Letting Go
National Library of Medicine: Benefit’s of Mindfulness Meditation
Psychology Today: Breathe-Mama- Breathe
Scientific findings on mindfulness: Neurobiology of Mindfulness
Guided Meditation: Videos on Guided Meditation
Mindfulness and Yoga: 10 Ways to Bring Mindfulness to Your Yoga Practice