(720) 248-0898 info@katashealth.com


We look forward to sharing news, health tips, and resources with you.

Let’s have a Healthy Holiday

Let’s have a Healthy Holiday

Each year, the holidays throw us into a whirlwind of stressors like entertaining, traveling, shopping, and spending. It is hard to escape the chaos, but with careful planning, you can maintain a healthy diet, stay active, and keep your budget in line. Avoid the trap...

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Why Collagen

Why Collagen

Many of you are familiar with my passions - optimizing health, clean living, and anti-aging! One of my daily rituals for skin and joint longevity is taking COLLAGEN. Collagen is quite the buzzword, but it goes beyond "good to have." Everyone can benefit from taking...

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Let’s drink clean water

Let’s drink clean water

As I've studied Functional Medicine, I've been careful about avoiding toxins across the board. Toxins and chemicals can disrupt our immune system, gut, thyroid, hormones, and brain, all of our body's processes to keep us alive and healthy! Many of you have heard me...

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Pet friendly travel tips – Part 2-2

Pet friendly travel tips – Part 2-2

Summer is the time to travel! There are many things to consider when planning a trip with your pet, and preparation is an essential part of traveling. Key steps to take before your trip include Car Rides: No matter which mode of transportation you will take, you may...

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Pet safety tips for the summer Part 1-2

Pet safety tips for the summer Part 1-2

There are over 170 million pet owners in the United States alone; most of these are domesticated animals like dogs and cats! Can you imagine that (link worldwide statistics via www.petsecure.com) Americans spend up to $50 billion a year caring for them?! Imagine how...

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